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                四川成都警用执法记录仪厂家|广西桂林单警执法记录仪|4G现场执法视音频记录仪 桂林尖锋智能科技有限公╲司
                Company introduction
                Company profile
                Guangzhou Zhenao Ozone Equipment Co., Ltd. is a high-tech company in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China. Its headquarters is located on the first and third floors of Xingrui Building, No. 2 Dongheng Five Road, Tianhe Pearl Village, Guangzhou.Founded in 2009, it has 1000 square meters workshop, which integrates R & D, design, manufacture and service. High-tech industrial companies that produce large,…
                Production equipment / technical strength
                Advanced technology and testing methods
                technological innovation
                High power innovation
                plant and equipment
                Plant and equipment1
                NEWS INFOEMATION
                CCTV guide group test the Spring Festival gala of silk pole lift stage.
                CCTV guide group test the Spring Festival gala of silk pole lift stage....
                Spiral elevator type many, the different spiral elevator selection of spira...
                For port saiwan three stand as "water park", Hong Kong notary administ...
                In the family of elevator, screw lift, with its small size, high transmission ef...
                Online Service
                QQ Customer